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School development

and teacher professional development

Completed project:

-  From 2007 to 2010, the Society of Voice Education was accredited in 2010

-  Director Ming fan Kwok won the Outstanding Teacher Award

-  2009-2011 Chinese University "Assessment to Promote Children's Learning" School Optimization Project

-  2011-2012 Education Bureau Kindergarten School-based Support Project "Assessment to Promote Children's Learning"

-  2012-2013 Drama Teaching Quality Education Fund Collaboration Project

-  2012-2014 Parent-Child Love Sports Quality Education Fund

-  2013-2014 "Curriculum Leadership Development and Quality Preschool Education Program" of the School of Education, Chinese University

-  YMCA registration service

-  Heep Hong Society Pre-school Rehabilitation Service Pilot Project

-  "Jockey Club School Kids Keep-Fit Formula" project

-  Education Bureau Kindergarten School-based Support Group Mainland and Hong Kong Teacher Exchange and Cooperation Project (2016-2017)

-  Professional Training Course for Kindergarten Leaders in the 2016-2017 School Year

-  Japanese Kindergarten Investigation Course 2015/2016



1. 加強管理層管治效能

- 校董培訓

2. 加強中層管理層管治效能

- 中層管理培訓計劃

3. 國民教育及國家安全

- 升旗隊培訓

- 課程社區探索研習

4. 培育幼兒正向價值

- 優質教育基金「我的行動承諾—感恩珍惜」教師培訓


5. 均衡發展幼兒德智體群美靈六育

- 家校合作委員會「親子愛運動」教師及家長研習

- 課程5E元素啟發幼兒的探索和創意思維,區角設立及自由遊戲研習

- STEM教師培訓

- 香港大學~運動研究「好動幼兒」


6. 「灌溉同一時 萌芽或先後」,


- 駐校社工計劃: 保護兒童系列「危機介入」教師分享

- 到校服務計劃: 個案研習及課室介入支援計劃

- 第一層支援計劃: 個案研習及課室介入支援計劃

- 照顧有特殊需要幼稚園學生進階課程

- 友趣學中文—幼稚園教師專業培訓

7. 大灣區東莞森林湖幼兒園姐妹學校專業交流

8. 胡洲南潯實驗幼兒園姐妹學校視像交流

9. 綠化校園計劃

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